Longview - Failed Install (502 Bad Gateway)

Upon attempted installation:

url -s https://lv.linode.com/**** | sudo bash

It asks for root password then outputs this:

bash: line 1: html: No such file or directory
bash: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `<'
'ash: line 2: `<title>502 Bad Gateway</title>

I've tried it on both of the 1GB servers that I have with the same issue.

2 Replies

Nibbler's suggestion will check for a successful download before trying to run the script. The 502 error is a problem on Linode's end.

This was mentioned in another thread and should be solved now. The error message (if it were to occur again) is much more friendly to the installee. Please let us know (either on this forum or on OFTC's #linode-beta channel) if you notice this problem still.


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