Using 2 Linodes for dev/staging and for production

I'm about to get my first Linode, but I have a few questions. Thanks in advance for your answers, this forums seems really great.

I'd like to have one Linode that will have a git server, MySQL database, and possibly staging environment.

Later when I'm ready to deploy my Rails app I'll get another Linode just for Rails/NGINX/Passenger, etc. which will be the production environment.

Specific questions:

1) I have only one domain name, which will be for the production Linode, so how do I communicate with the dev/staging Linode? Does Linode give me a unique IP for the dev/staging Linode?

2) If Linode does give me a static IP for my dev/staging Linode, how do I get my Rails app (on production Linode) to use the MySql database that is on the dev/staging Linode?

3) Can I use Phusion Passenger to deploy to both the dev/staging Linode and to the production Linode?

4) If I only have one domain name (for the production Linode), how will I access my Rails app deployed on the dev/staging server? Do I use some path that includes the Linode provided static IP?

Sorry if this is a bit of a NOOB question, but I'm excited to have found Linode, and want to see if I can do what I'm hoping for. Thanks!

2 Replies


No need to apologize for 'noob questions'. We all started out there once upon a time.

1) You get a static IP for each Linode.

2) You'll use the IP address of your dev/staging Linode as the 'host address' (instead of 'localhost') for the database.

3) - I don't know anything about Phusion Passenger -

4) You'll use the IP address of your dev/staging Linode and the path to your Rails app.


for 4, a common solution would be to add in a "dev" dns entry. eg, if your production site is, make your dev server be


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