Load testing?

Do you load test a new server before putting it into production if you haven't used a particular configuration before?

If so, what do you use? An application? Another website?

4 Replies

I tried https://loadimpact.com/ It offers some nicely formatted data. I'm not sure how accurate it is.

Blitz https://www.blitz.io/ was able to produce more of a load.

The best option is to do some performance testing. There is a number of free and open source performance testing tools available, my personal narrowed down favorites list looks as follows:

* Grinder

For main features described and compared, sample test scenario and reports and comparison matrix for tools listed above check out Open Source Load Testing Tools: Which One Should You Use? guide.

Hope this helps.

I've used https://loader.io/ a few times for basic load testing new servers about to go production.


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