[Help wanted] Server setup, tuning, hardening

I have an 8gb Linode just waiting for some administrative love.

I managed to set up my dev server on another node and it's actually worked for a few months, but I need an experienced hand to set up my production server and get it ready for prime time.

LAMP stack, nothing too fancy. Open to suggestions, but here's what I have in mind:

Apache (mpm-worker)




PECL uploadprogress library

Varnish (possibly)

Packages: modrewrite, modexpires, imagemagick, optipng (or similar)

Server hardening/security

No mail required

The site is a drupal 6 artist community site with mostly anonymous users at first, but logged in usage will increase over time. Will have 10-15k page views per day from the start, and could possibly double in a few months (used to have 100k per day).

Please get in touch if you have experience with server tuning and security - please include link to CV/experience, ballpark time estimate, and hourly rate.

Much appreciated.

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