Oracle virtualbox does not book downloaded Linode image
I've downloaded my primary Linode server via dd so I may perform some testing and experimentation (installing a multi site Drupal) offline.
1) I've downloaded the xvda volume in an image file (twice) and verified that it is intact. The file is intact and I can mount it under Linux. See below:
"ssl5@Sky / $ ls linodedownload
bin dev lib media proc sbin sys var
boot etc lib64 mnt root selinux tmp webmin-setup.out
data home lost+found opt run srv usr
ssl5@Sky / $
2) Converted the above img file into a vdi file so it can be mounted VBox.
3) Created a new VM and point it to the vdi file.
Unfortunately it refuses to boot with a no bootable medium found message.
What am I doing wrong here? Any ideas?
4 Replies
This means you will be running with a different kernel at home but it should not make too much difference as long as they are both fairly recent.
I've not actually tested this so maybe I missed something.
I have already downloaded my image (17GB which took me 8 hours) and have run into the same problem.
I have written the downloaded image to a vdi disk on a more recent Ubuntu version I have installed in VirtualBox and have it mounted.
Is there a way of placing the necessary files onto the mounted disk without 'installing' them? (Since this would attempt to install them onto the Ubuntu I'm using to prepare my linode image for standalone operation.)
(Another option I'm thinking of is setting up a VM with the same Ubuntu version I'm running on my Linode and then copying the files from my image over the top of the installed files while in rescue mode or from a live cd.)