Longview - Package versions
I would like it to be possible to see the current versions of installed packages & as an extra perhaps compiled software. I can currently see it for out-of-date packages, but once it has been updated I can't see the versions anymore.
It would be great to have a list of installed packages, regardless of whether they're up-to-date, with perhaps a secondary tab that contains the latest-version. (and a tab with the installed version).
Also things like self-compiled daemons, e.g. Apache, MySQL/PHP/Nginx/Exim/Dovecot would be great to have in the software-version list.
Bonus points for being able to export such a list in a scheme of [all] Longview clients to see which version is installed on which Linode(/server).
2 Replies
Detecting compiled software is a whole other animal though! I'm not sure we could devise a scheme smart enough to cover every corner there (open to suggestions though
It's a bit hack-y but it works. Perhaps something like that could be used for custom Longview scripts? I believe nagios scripts limit the output to 4KB.