Test Preview Multiple Websites in Windows PC

Is there any chance, that I could Test my sites (migrated to Linode) from a Windows Desktop PC?

5 Replies

You can edit your windows hosts file to point your domains to your Linode IP for testing. (Have a google to find out how)

look for something like c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc for the hosts file

To add another bit of info, after you go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, you would add your domains line-by-line like this:

50.116.33.xxx domain1.com

50.116.33.xxx domain2.com

Where 50.116.33.xxx–or whatever--is your Linode's IP address. This way, you could test out your websites in your browser by going to domain1.com, even though you haven't pointed the DNS to your Linode's IP yet.

Thank you friends. It is SOLVED.

Also, don't forget to remove the line when you no longer need it. Otherwise, if DNS breaks for that host, you're not going to notice…


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