N00b question about /etc/resolv.conf

Afternoon all

I don't plan on using Linode's DNS manager. My domains are registered with Namecheap and I'm happy using their DNS service (probably because I don't know any better). However, when setting up a Linode for the 1st time, there are instructions about changing the contents of /etc/resolv.conf

Currently it's

domain members.linode.com
search members.linode.com

Now I understand that I should also add options rotate underneath this text but do I leave the nameserver IP addresses as they are or should I replace them with the Namecheap nameserver IPs?


Because in the Linode manager they are called DNS Resolvers but in the /etc/resolv.conf file they are called nameservers the different terminology has confused me (easily done!)

I've spent hours trying to find the answer to this in the forums or various Linode setup guides but I just can't find the answer. Mainly because most guides assume that I will setup a Linode using the Linode DNS manager.

Can anyone please put me out of my misery and explain it to me like I'm five?

Many thanks

2 Replies

/etc/resolv.conf contains public nameservers, not the authoritative nameservers for your domain(s). Just leave it as-is.

Thanks for the simple explanation, sleddog. Exactly what I needed. Cheers.


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