Setting up Multiple Distributions

Hi, I am very new to running my own server, and setup my first LAMP distribution over the weekend.

I just hit "Deploy a Linux Distribution" and setup a LEMP distribution thru stackscripts.

Now I only have 1 IP address, when I SSH into my VPN, how do I know if I'm running with apache or nginx? is there a separate login or folder?

Thanks in advance for any help.

6 Replies

The best way, for this particular case: it'll be whichever one you most recently booted, which will be visible by looking at your Linode in the Linode Manager.

The universal case: "sudo ss -ntlp", look for the *:80 or :::80 line with either "apache" or "nginx" in it.

I think hoopycat meant to say "sudo netstat -ntlp" unless he's referring to some awesome new tool I'm too aged to be aware of.

netstat is part of the deprecated net-tools, along with such old chestnuts as ifconfig and route. ss ("socket statistics") is part of iproute, along with ip. So, might as well use ss.

ok, cool, thank you! so I just checked, and I am in Apache, so whenever I want to switch between the nginx and the apache config, I just reboot the linode and it will switch my configuration to the appropriate one?


ss ("socket statistics") is part of iproute, along with ip.

Ah, so I am behind the times. Nothing new about that.


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