Longview - error upon installing the client
curl -s https://lv.linode.com/**** | sudo bash
and type in my root password, I get the following error:
bash: line 1: html: No such file or directory
bash: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `<'
'ash: line 2: `<title>502 Bad Gateway</title>
Is it something related to my Linode or it is a hiccup on the Linode's side?
8 Replies
TFILE=$(mktemp -t XXXXXXXXXX.sh) if curl -s https://lv.linode.com/**** > $TFILE; then sudo bash $TFILE; else echo "Download failed"; fi; rm -i $TFILE
curl -sfS https://lv.linode.com/**** | sudo bash
That will fail properly on a 50x error, won't pass html to the shell but will show an error message.