Longview - Show PID/PPID/proc information
Would it be possible to show the PID/PPID of processes in the explorer? Sometimes I see processes running but I'm not sure which one is causing it. The names aren't always specific enough.
For example, I see the process "perl" but this doesn't show up in htop/ps so it's a little bit unknown where it came from. Yet longview says it is still running. Now, I also use CSF/LFD firewall which uses perl, so it's most likely that process. Knowing the PIDs of files will make identification easier.
Bonus points for also tracking /proc/$pid - I haven't had this on my own Linode, but I have seen that crons or for example hacked websites run scripts (irc bots or w/e). This is a pain to troubleshoot sometimes. Having Longview track this and allow me to see and the processes with PIDs AND the information from /proc/$pid (like cmdline or even the links to /proc/pid/exe, e.g. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Apr 17 10:20 /proc/23105/exe -> /usr/bin/tmux ) would be super awesome. See here