Fremont.... Unwanted stepchild?

Let me preface this by the fact that I am happy with my linode and the linode support in general… This is only a place to vent….. and hopefully they will prove me wrong… so…. here goes…

  • It seems to me that Fremont as of now is the datacenter that is being neglected the most when it comes to upgrades. No announcement about the RAM upgrade or any other details about Fremont.

  • For a while it seemed to have the least stable network… This has improved greatly… but still…

  • Although I realize that they are community supported services, but it also seems that Fremont has very few (though not the least) internal services available to it.

14 Replies


  • Although I realize that they are community supported services, but it also seems that Fremont has very few (though not the least) internal services available to it.

If I lived on the west coast, would probably be in Fremont. It's not that I avoid Fremont, it's that there are three datacenters closer to me.

But: It's worth noting that, up until a few years ago, availability in Fremont was extremely limited: the datacenter simply did not have the capacity to handle Linode's growth. This changed some time ago, perhaps due to construction by the datacenter folks, and suddenly the problem was Resolved. I wouldn't entirely be surprised if this is slowing things down again.

Your guess is as good as mine, though.

(Back in my day, we couldn't add new Linodes in Fremont at all! You young whippersnappers.)

If the DC is full again, Linode could be planning a move (or expansion) to the larger Fremont 2 DC 1.5 miles away. It's almost 4.5 times the size of Fremont 1, according to the HE website.

Can't imagine why that'd take two weeks to say though.

Deadlines have a way of slipping when you're on fire.

I feel like those of us on Fremont are getting the short end of everything here.

While the rest have been enjoying double the RAM now, we are still stuck with the old allocation and we are still PAYING the same charges.

How is that fair?

Also, there are no news on the promised post as to why Fremont is being neglected. This is not a positive sign at all.

You can open a ticket to get your RAM upgraded, you just won't be moved onto the new hardware as it isn't deployed yet.


You can open a ticket to get your RAM upgraded, you just won't be moved onto the new hardware as it isn't deployed yet.

Not according to linode support :|

EDIT: Yay, you can actually. (I got a new guy XD)

I queried support about this upgrade for Fremont, citing this thread:

Hello Lester,

Thanks for contacting us! The RAM upgrade is currently not available in the Fremont data center. As soon as it becomes available, you will have a blue botton on the right hand side of the Linode dashboard that you can use to upgrade!

If you have any other questions please let us know!



im waiting for my RAM upgrade !

This is what I got:

> Hello,

Thanks for contacting us! We do not have a set date for the upgrades in Fremont at this time. We are working to ensure adequate availability at this time. Once the upgrades are available, you will be able to upgrade using the Upgrade link in the Linode Manager.

Hi guys,

Just wondering if we can just nuke my stuff in Fremount and move it to some other data center and get the new RAM and hardware.



Hi guys,

Just wondering if we can just nuke my stuff in Fremount and move it to some other data center and get the new RAM and hardware.

I believe you can request to move your Linode server to another datacenter by opening a support ticket. Please keep in mind that your IP address will change if you do.



Hi guys,

Just wondering if we can just nuke my stuff in Fremount and move it to some other data center and get the new RAM and hardware.

I believe you can request to move your Linode server to another datacenter by opening a support ticket. Please keep in mind that your IP address will change if you do.

You can also DIY via a clone and delete.


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