Setting Up IPv6 For a Website

Hello, I've been trying to figure out how to enable IPv6 for my website (, but I'm unsure how to do so. I've enabled IPv6 for my Linode and it's been assigned an address, but what other things need to be configured? I attempted to add a AAAA record with my domain provider but when I test for IPv6 (a la this website: ), it fails.

So, my question is, do I need to configure Apache to support IPv6? Or do I simply need to make my DNS records correctly (and what should they look like)?

8 Replies

You need to configure apache as well: … n-apache2/">

$ ping6
unknown host

Check your DNS.

You said you attempted to add a AAAA record with your domain provider, but your DNS is being handled by linode:


;; ANSWER SECTION: 12685 IN NS 12685 IN NS 12685 IN NS 12685 IN NS 12685 IN NS


You need to configure apache as well: … n-apache2/">

Ok, I will take a look at that.


You said you attempted to add a AAAA record with your domain provider, but your DNS is being handled by linode

I just changed my name servers to use Hover (domain provider) because I'm using their DNS management for everything else. But my real question there is what type of entry do I need?

Alright, Apache and virtual hosts are configured for both. AAAA record now works, but the web server is apparently unreachable, according to the aforementioned text website. Unsure if it just needs some time or if there's another configuration problem but I'll give it a bit and see.

I am unable to reach http://[2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe70:b369] directly, so while the DNS works now, there's still something wrong on the server side with Apache.

run netstat as root on the server to check the ports apache is using.

netstat -tlapn 
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      2627/apache2

If it looks like it's listening try this on the server to see if it works locally:

wget -6

Weird, using nmap I can only see port 22 open on your IPv6 IP.

Did you set up the firewall properly to allow port 80 over your IPv6 IP?

Otherwise post your apache2.conf / vhost config :)

Also in regard to firewall rules, a lot of howtos out there suggest blocking a lot of ICMP messages for some reason. While generally not a problem with IPv4, this often causes problems with IPv6 which needs ICMP to find local neighbors and routers.


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