How to create a Enterprise email account like

How to create a Enterprise email account like

I have successfully installed Citadel EMAIL SERVICE according to … -6-squeeze">


3 Replies

Honestly, if you have to ask this question, I'd suggest you'd be better off using something like Google Apps hosting with a custom domain for your email (you can split web hosting and email hosting for a given domain between different servers/services pretty easily).

I personally find that running a small mail server is more trouble than it is worth. Too much hassle dealing with spam and abuse.

thanks for your kind advice.


Honestly, if you have to ask this question, I'd suggest you'd be better off using something like Google Apps hosting with a custom domain for your email (you can split web hosting and email hosting for a given domain between different servers/services pretty easily).

I personally find that running a small mail server is more trouble than it is worth. Too much hassle dealing with spam and abuse.

Until this happens:

Google Apps Login and Admin Console Down

To the OP though, even with their downtime, I agree Google Apps is probably your best route, I used to run Citadel, found it easy to set up, then there was a problem and I couldn't get it upgraded successfully.

So I switched to postfix/docecot/mysql using a Linode library article, which was out of date and required me to intuit a lot which is why I'm not putting the link here. This route may not be for you. It takes a lot of technical prowess to make this combination work. I add users with SQL queries, for example.

If you aren't into Google Apps or roughing it with postfix/dovecot then you might want to check out Zimbra, I've never tried it but it might something that could work for you, it's supposed to be enterprise class:


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