Ubuntu & Kernel Headers

I'm currently trying to compile dahdi for Asterisk on my Linode. No big deal, normally. However, I can't compile dahdi because I don't have the kernel headers. Currently the linode is running 3.8.4-linode50 which, of course, Ubuntu doesn't have yet. I downloaded the the Linux source and linked it from /lib/modules/3.8.4-linode50/build however it still doens't work.

I've google'd around but I know I'm missing something. Could anyone please enlighten me as to how to get the kernel-headers manually into Ubuntu 12.10?

4 Replies

For Asterisk you may need to use a distro-supplied kernel with pv-grub.

http://library.linode.com/communication … igure-grub">http://library.linode.com/communications/voip-services#sph_install-and-configure-grub provides instructions for Ubuntu 9.10. I am not aware if the steps would be different for 12.10 or not.

@retrograde inversion:

For Asterisk you may need to use a distro-supplied kernel with pv-grub.

[http://library.linode.com/communications/voip-services#sphinstall-and-configure-grub" target="blank">](http://library.linode.com/communication … igure-grub">http://library.linode.com/communications/voip-services#sph_install-and-configure-grub]( provides instructions for Ubuntu 9.10. I am not aware if the steps would be different for 12.10 or not. I don't know about Asterisk and Dahdi and can't speak to that, but I do know about pv-grub in general. The steps have changed somewhat since 9.10. Linode's pv-grub article covers up to 11.04; ~~I recently wrote up how to do it on 12.04. I don't think anything has changed since 12.04, but I may be wrong. At the very least, it's a better starting point.

I'm in the exact same boat with xtables-addons. v2.2 is required for geoip in iptables, but the repo version is older. I'm trying to compile from source but I get the same issue with headers. Is there any other way around this besides the PV-GRUB stuff? I'm a little hesitant as though I know Linux, this seems like it has a high likelihood of me FUBAR'ing it pretty badly.

I have been able to compile DAHDI with using linux-headers-virtual, it worked however I have other issues to do with memory issues however that may be unrelated and more to do with the realtime module.

Good luck.


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