Longview system info incorrect after migration

After the RAM upgrade my Longview doesn't report the correct RAM, CPU, or Kernel version.

7 Replies


I asked about this on IRC, seems like the Longview servers are a bit broken at the moment. I don't think it's anything on your end.

Longview service doesnt start automatically after a reboot

/etc/init.d/longview status

and if its stopped run

service longview start

Yup, that did it. It wasn't running. Thanks.

Longview doesn't seem to support chkconfig so I guess I'm adding that to rc.local.

Adding that to the installation process is on our todo list. Thanks guys!

"That" what? You'll be telling people to add it to rc.local or you'll fix your init script? If the former, I don't like that idea.



I asked about this on IRC, seems like the Longview servers are a bit broken at the moment. I don't think it's anything on your end.

I guess I migrated after the problem, it all worked flawlessly for me.

I was very happy to see 0% swap usage and a decent amount of cache on my busiest ex-512.


"That" what? You'll be telling people to add it to rc.local or you'll fix your init script? If the former, I don't like that idea.

We're going to fix the installer so Longview starts on boot.


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