squirt squirt squirt- free RAM upgrade - squirt squirt

migrating now.


22 Replies

No RAM upgrade according to top. New hardware presumably, though.


Mine has migrated, and top shows:

top - 16:33:16 up 6 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.01, 0.09, 0.05
Tasks: 133 total,   1 running, 132 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.0%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.9%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   1024976k total,   409552k used,  615424k free, 12636k buffers  Swap: 262140k total, 0k used, 62140k free, 118820k cached 

I'm really thrashing that machine :)

Hmm. I'll try another reboot.


Second reboot and still 4G by top:

KiB Mem: 4029564 total

I'll open a support ticket. The Linode is running fine, of course, but I would like to see the new RAM. I had very recently upgraded from a 2G to a 4G, and that may be related.


~~![](<URL url=)http://haronmedia.com/var/cereal.png" />

Well done, Linode!~~


You in lolfremont?

Dallas. I think I was confusified or mistakulated about my very recent upgrade history, and that all is well. I had moved up from a 1.5G to a 2G, not from a 2G to a 4G - so the RAM was doubled. I need a nap.


Rebooting won't do anything, per the Linode blog post, a migration is required (and Fremont will be a few weeks).

Now that the Linode NextGen stuff is done, I'm left disappointed. The one thing that we wanted upgraded was disk space (or some solution for affordable mass storage) and there was no progress in that regard.

My coworkers (for the business Linode, not the pleasure Linode) are pestering me to move to OVH instead, where the same $40 we pay Linode gets you a dedicated server with 4x the RAM and 42x the storage (21x if you want RAID-1), and the datacenter is local (in Montreal) to boot. My excuse for the past while has been "Linode is upgrading guys, give them a chance first!"

And in the end, nothing. Linode still offers 48GB versus 2000GB of disk space for the same price. Throw me a bone here…

Hopefully that's next. I know everyone on IRC is all "YOU'LL GET WHAT YOU GET OR SHUT UP" but seriously. More disk space is required.


Rebooting won't do anything, per the Linode blog post, a migration is required

The first post in this thread reads "migrating now" - maybe you could use some nerdy round glasses similar to the ones on my forum avatar?


$40 for a dedicated server with all that? sounds fishy to me… In the end you trade off reliability and performance for "numbers"



Rebooting won't do anything, per the Linode blog post, a migration is required

The first post in this thread reads "migrating now" - maybe you could use some nerdy round glasses similar to the ones on my forum avatar?


To be fair, they're pretty dirty. I haven't cleaned them recently. They're more rectangular than round, though.


$40 for a dedicated server with all that? sounds fishy to me… In the end you trade off reliability and performance for "numbers"

It's not fishy, it's ridiculously massive economies of scale; they're the largest dedicated server provider in the world, and their Montreal datacenter is intended to be the largest datacenter in the world when complete (360k servers). They build their own hardware (including their own motherboard designs I believe), they use watercooling instead of air conditioning, they don't use standard racks, they're leveraging the fact that power costs half as much in Quebec, they're throwing around 100GigE connections all over the place, etc…

The problem is that you still lose out on some of the benefits of being on a VM platform at Linode. Easy migration, for example. That's what's keeping me at Linode, but as Linode falls farther and farther behind the competition, I have more and more trouble making that argument.

a quick google search shows:

"I would not trust OVH to host my dog's blog. I too had a negative experience interacting with their support in relation to an abuse issue. You get what you pay for."

"OVH - worst service provider I ever had since my first server in 1998 … in every forum and review site about my experience, unless you have a …"

Meh is all i can say.

total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 1000 169 831 0 6 83
-/+ buffers/cache: 78 922
Swap: 256 0 256

Well, I guess I won't fit into my old linode64 any more…

Actually thanks to the recent Linode upgrades you can enjoy up to 24 GB of swap memory.


they use watercooling instead of air conditioning

Do they do the thing where the servers swim in deionized water?


… move to OVH instead, where the same $40 we pay Linode gets you a dedicated server …

Yes. So if you're okay with moving from enterprise grade managed virtualized hardware to desktop grade semi-self-managed hardware (because you have to monitor your HW for failure then pester the support to replace something when it fails) with no benefits of the virtualized environment.

Been there*, done that, moving back to Linode.

Plus, as others have mentioned, I hear their support is a disaster.

–---- *) With another budget dedicated host and for exactly the same reason.


Do they do the thing where the servers swim in deionized water?

That would physically prevent the Linode staff from dancing around the server racks while chanting and farting. Duh.



a quick google search shows:

"I would not trust OVH to host my dog's blog. I too had a negative experience interacting with their support in relation to an abuse issue. You get what you pay for."

"OVH - worst service provider I ever had since my first server in 1998 … in every forum and review site about my experience, unless you have a …"

Meh is all i can say.

Any very large provider is going to have unhappy customers… It's hard to counter concrete comparisons with something like "Hey guys, we shouldn't switch to OVH because the word on the street is their support is worse!"

Although I have been pushing the "If it ain't broke…" and "Linode's always done right by us…" arguments regardless.

Yup…. I'm still eagerly awaiting some sort of storage upgrade too….


I'm still eagerly awaiting some sort of storage upgrade too….

Eagerly? EAGERLY????

![](http://bbsimg.ngfiles.com/1/22968000/ng … 2a9b00.jpg">http://bbsimg.ngfiles.com/1/22968000/ngbbs4e0b92d2a9b00.jpg" />


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