URGENT virtual host configuration issues

Dear all,

I have received the following message from Linode support team.

Pls now let me know what is to be done.

My programmers are having a lot or problem in solving this issue.

This is pertaining to the site www.dentistrytoday.info


Dr. Veerendra Darakh


It appears that your web server has started. Now it appears that you have virtual host configuration issues. For more information on configuring virtual hosts, please refer to the following Linode Library article:

  • http://library.linode.com/hosting-websi … tual-hosts">http://library.linode.com/hosting-website#sph_configuring-name-based-virtual-hosts

If you need additional assistance configuring virtual hosts, I would recommend contacting the Linode Community via IRC or the forums.

  • http://www.linode.com/community/



14 Replies

My programmers have done the following:

pls chk http://www.dentistrytoday.info/

it says site-off-line

check below my commands executed

[root@li399-254 ~]# sudo apachectl start

[Mon Apr 08 12:13:51 2013] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts

[root@li399-254 ~]# sudo /sbin/service httpd restart

Stopping httpd: [ OK ]

Starting httpd: [Mon Apr 08 12:14:32 2013] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHost


[ OK ]

[root@li399-254 ~]# service httpd restart

Stopping httpd: [ OK ]

Starting httpd: [Mon Apr 08 12:19:59 2013] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHost


[ OK ]

So now I urgently solicit suggestions from the forum to get the site back online

In order for anybody to help, they'll need to see the configuration files for your web server, any relevant lines from your error logs, etc etc.

  • Les

The fact that Drupal shows up would seem to mean that there's an issue connecting to the database (which it says on that page). Is the database server running?

We urgently await your response.


Jeee-zuz man, we are volunteers not your employees. Putting URGENT in caps is a faux pas.



Jeee-zuz man, we are volunteers not your employees. Putting URGENT in caps is a faux pas.

Well that was very constructive.

  • Les

OK, Serious answer.

Unless you have multiple drupal instances on this machine forget about virtual configuration issues. That's not the problem.

Check your database is actually running.

Check that drupal can actually login with the username and password in settings.php.

Empty all cache tales in your drupal database, empty, don't drop them. These tables all start with CACHE.

And never ever, no matter what, even if you are being eaten by wild wolves, put 'urgent' in upper case in the subject line of anything.




Jeee-zuz man, we are volunteers not your employees. Putting URGENT in caps is a faux pas.

Well that was very constructive.

  • Les

I was writing the serious answer when you penned your non-constructive criticism of my non-constructive criticism.


My programmers have done the following:

pls chk http://www.dentistrytoday.info/
Might be time to shop for a new "programmer".

I'm always amazed at how many so called "web developers" grasp at straws the minute they have to go outside the CMS engine control panel.

Many thanks for all the responses. My programmers are looking into the issue.

My apologies if anybody has been hurt by "URGENT'.

Anyway thanks once again

My site is down since three days. Still I am getting this message. Has the site been hacked. If the site is unusable how come I have received this message

Your Linode, linode219331, has exceeded the notification threshold (1000) for disk io rate by averaging 1192.73 for the last 2 hours. The dashboard for this specific Linode is located at: <https://manager.linode.com/linodes/dash … node219331">https://manager.linode.com/linodes/dashboard/linode219331>

This is an automated message, please do not respond to this email. If you have questions, please open a support ticket.

You can view or change your alert thresholds under the "Settings" tab of the Linode Manager.

This is not meant as a warning or a representation that you are misusing your resources. We encourage you to modify the thresholds based on your own individual needs.

You may access the members' site at <https://manager.linode.com/>.

To this I have received this response from Linode:


That message indicates that your Linode is still performing a large amount of disk IO, which it appears to be doing because it is exhausting your RAM. As such, the alert is closely tied with the same resource exhaustion issue that is causing your site to not respond, and will likely continue until you resolve that issue.

This is not an indication that your site or server have been maliciously accessed in any way.

Let us know if there's anything else we can do to assist you!



Any hints for my programmers will be greatly appreciated

Thanks once again,


Dr. Veerendra Darakh

You're not reading what others are posting. That looks like a database issue. Is the database server running? Can the user you provided to Drupal connect to it?

Linode is an unmanaged service, you have to do everything yourself. Some of us like that but that doesn't make it right for everyone.

If you can't get drupal to run maybe what you want is some form of managed web hosting. They will worry about all the details so you don't have to.

Or hire someone who knows about Linux and Drupal and get them to fix this. Elance is a reasonable, and cheap, place to start.

^ Pretty much, the people here are not Linode staff - so issues urgent for you are not urgent for us. Having said that, if you want to do it yourself through the Linode forums:

//Sidenotes if with programers you mean the people who made the site, that's something different than a sysadmin. Don't you have someone who set up the Linode server?

As an explanation with Disk IO/oom –> You have a certain amount of memory. Once you run out of memory (and are going OOM) it'll start using swap space. Swap space basically means that your memory is stored on the disk. And since disks are WAY slower than RAM you'll start seeing a lot of Disk IO. Normally you never want swap to be used. (at least not SWAP --> RAM)

What we need from you to resolve the issues are the config files. We know nothing about your setup, so we can't even try to help like this.

Please post the following config files in a pastebin or http://p.linode.com/ -

1. To see what is using all your memory, please post the output of the command "ps aux" (without quotes)

2. Post the output of "free -mm"

3. Post the following configs:




^ You'll have to search where your php.ini is located, this can differ.

/etc/apache2/apache.conf (or apache2.conf)

/etc/apache2/sites/enabled/* (everything in here)

When posting configs, please make sure none of them include sensitive information such as passwords.



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