Backup MX


I just recently got my server up and running. Now I'm in the need of a backup mail exchange in case my host goes down, etc. Would anybody not on host15 be willing to be a backup MX for me? I would, of course, return the favor in kind. I only have a couple of users, so there would not be much email coming through.

Post a message here or, preferably, email me at jstarks at starksnet dot net.


John Starks

5 Replies, on host5 on host11

You should be very careful of choosing someone to do backup-mx …

Why ? because they too can read your email …

You may want to look into commercial providers, comes to mind: … ml#mailhop">

Bill Clinton

also, ZoneEdit does MX Backups as well, and it appears much cheaper than dyndns (11.95 vs. 29.95). I haven't used ZE's backup yet, but will be when I get my domain DNS moved over to them…

The cheapest I've seen so far is even better, only $8/year. Check out

Note: I haven't tried it yet. I suffice for mail backup on my home Linux box over DSL. I have a very friendly ISP, thankfully.


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