New(ish) to SSH-- checking some public key details...

Trying to set up a Stackscript and failing at it even though I've tried numerous combinations. The rsa handshake seems to work as I get the "yes/no" question upon 1st connection. Am I correct that the user key i.e. used in the field below is just the code copied from the file just after "ssh-rsa" to the characters before "== Fedora Main Box"? I seemed to have no trouble when I installed the VPS manually from the CLI. But of course in that case I was simply scp'ing a pub file. I have ssh set up to restart after turning off root login and changing pubkeyauthentication to "Yes".


3 Replies

Surely you need the whole public key line including the 'ssh-rsa' part. SSH will not know what key type it is otherwise.

And the = characters at end too when you have them, it's base64 padding. Everything until the whitespace.

thanks, up and running. now on to automated setup of a Nginx virtual host, SSL and password protecting a private dir. Thanks gang


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