vps->partimage->virtualbox /boot folder empty

Hello everyone

I decided to clone my VPS to a local Virtualbox on my PC to test some things regarding the update from Ubuntu Server 10.04 to 12.04. I used a second server configuration to get the one partition my VPS has with partimage and downloaded to my PC. Created a blank Virtualbox VM with the same size partition and specs as Linode, used a live SystemRescueCD and partimage and restored the partition.

While attempting to recreate the grub parameters I found out that the /boot folder was empty (apart from memtest+). I am not a linux guru but from what I understand the kernel files are missing.

As I verified from the live Linode VPS, the /boot folder is also empty. I suppose it has something to do with the virtualization software and kernel software system that Linode is using.

Any ideas on how to move on from here? How can I find the kernel files and restore them to the /boot folder so that my VPS works on Virtualbox?

Thank you in advance

1 Reply


Any ideas on how to move on from here? How can I find the kernel files and restore them to the /boot folder so that my VPS works on Virtualbox?

http://library.linode.com/custom-instan … -lts-lucid">http://library.linode.com/custom-instances/pv-grub-howto#sph_ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid


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