CPU well over 100% sustained

Hello all,

Been awhile since I've had to do anything security wise to my node. It's pretty much just been serving nothing of interest to anyone. But I got an email yesterday saying my CPU usage was 100% for a bit. I looked and sure enough it was. Today it is at over 200%. My bandwidth has spiked in usage as well. I looked through some of my logs and only see yandex crawling for some reason, and Morfeus. I put morfeus in my .htacces and cleaned up a bunch of files that made it into my pub folder. And change my permissions to 750.

Still spiking at over 200% CPU usage though. Any suggestions on locking this down further?


2 Replies

Look at what process is using the CPU? Run 'top'.


Look at what process is using the CPU? Run 'top'.
It is www-data using perl for 100% and perl for 30%.

HTOP show www-data using sshd and /usr/sbin/apache2.


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