My DNS server is acting as an unrestricted open resolver

Earlier today I received a ticket from Linode that my server is "acting as an unrestricted open resolver". Unfortunately I don't know what that means. Here is all the info I have from Linode

> dportalatin

13 hours ago Hello,

We have received a report of malicious activity originating from your Linode. It appears that your Linode is being used to attack other servers with a DNS amplification attack. We ask that you investigate this matter as soon as possible to determine why this activity is originating from your Linode.

If you were not aware that activity of this nature was originating from your Linode, it is likely that your Linode has been compromised, and you'll want to take appropriate action.

We take the integrity of our network very seriously, and we appreciate your cooperation in investigating this activity. Please keep us updated via this ticket as you look into the issue.

As we cannot allow activity of this nature on our network, we ask that you update this ticket promptly or we may need to power down your Linode to prevent further malicious activity.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know!




13 hours ago Subject: UDP Flood Attack From

Our network has been repeatedly attacked from this above marked IP with

UDP attacks. Please take actions to secure this machine, and prevent it

from attacking us (or anyone else). Attached are some truncated logs from

when we were under an attack from this IP.

The IP that was targetted was

If it helps, this appears to have been a DNS amplification/reflection attack, where our IP was spoofed to cause your server to send us data we did not request. If possible, please verify that basic precautions have been taken to prevent this type of attack, such as disabling recursion, and rate-limiting. Failing that, you can directly block this one IP, as it will never directly request DNS from your server.

Here is an article that has more information: … 72393.aspx"> (more information can be found via google, etc)

If action is being taken to remedy this situation, no reply is necessary. This attack was part of a DDoS comprising over 50,000 other DNS servers being exploited against us in a similar fashion, and is not presently ongoing against our network. Unless it is patched, your DNS server will continue to be used in these attack vectors against other people.

Thanks for your attention and quick resolution of this matter.

Sincerely, Email Support

Here is what seems to be the most relevant part:

> Hello,

The issue is related to you running a DNS server which is acting as an unrestricted open resolver:

$ dig @ version.bind chaos txt +short


$ dig in a @ +short

As a result, your Linode is being used is participating in a distributed DNS amplification attack. You'll want to review your DNS server configuration to employ the necessary settings so it is not acting as an open resolver. If you require assistance with this task, we'd encourage you to reach out to our active user community. Many members of the Linode community are seasoned IT consultants and system administrators, and are usually more than happy to help out:

Specifically, our IRC server has over 400 members of the Linode community in there now:

Please keep us updated on your progress. Thanks in advance!



I have a linode with Kloxo running on it and I use Linode's DNS manager for my DNS stuff. I really have no idea where to start reading to approach fixing this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

5 Replies

You can stop bind by simply running (as root) service named stop. I don't know if Kloxo needs a DNS server running to operate properly; if so, you might want to look at these threads on their support forum for help in proper configuration.

Well done to Linode for responding to this complaint.

Secondly is resolving DNS for the whole internet. This really isn't a good idea and if you don't need to serve your own DNS it's a good idea to shutdown bind and set /etc/resolv.conf to use Linode's or Google's DNS servers.

Also you have the following ports open:

21/tcp open ftp

22/tcp open ssh

25/tcp open smtp

53/tcp open domain

80/tcp open http

110/tcp open pop3

143/tcp open imap

443/tcp open https

993/tcp open imaps

995/tcp open pop3s

3306/tcp open mysql

7777/tcp open cbt

7778/tcp open interwise

You should improve your firewalling. You really should not be exposing mysql.

pop and imap both pass passwords over the internet unencrypted. You should not use them.

ftp is allowing anonymous connections although they don't seem to be able to access anything or upload files.

qmail? Who uses that anymore?

Thanks Sednet and Vance, I will give it a go

I have run

service named stop

and that worked fine

Also the contents of /etc/resolv.conf is


Which is linode's DNS

Do I have to do anything to make sure Bind doesn't restart when the server restarts?

Apart from the other recommendations from sednet, which I am going to do, do I have to do anything else?

You can tell CentOS not to start bind by running (as root) chkconfig named off. Kloxo may try to start it anyway; this is one of the hazards of control panels.

You can remove bind from your system with yum remove bind bind-chroot, which will prevent it from running entirely. I don't know if Kloxo will cope well with this or not.


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