Server Relaying Spam - Help Needed


I'm running Postfix email server, and recently its been relaying SPAM which Linode has issues me a warning.

It's also generating high Disk IO so its getting bad.

Can anyway help me configure my server to stop relaying spam?

I'm very new to email setup and securing it so please, any help in the right direction and explaining some thing

would be awesome.

This expires in 7 hours.



1 Reply

We'll also need excerpts from your /var/log/mail.log showing the relaying. Also, according to the docs, rejectrblclient is only valid in smtpdclientrestrictions. mapsrbldomains is obsolete (maybe depending on what version of postfix you're running; you didn't tell us). You have a default permit action in smtpdrecipientrestrictions; I would change that to reject. Adding 'smtpdsaslauthenticated_header = yes' to /etc/postfix/ could help if a mailbox password has been cracked (this will add a header detailing which mailbox account was used to send spam) - again, only useful if a password has been cracked.

I see your port 25 is tcpwrapped currently; have there been any more reports of spam? If so, this could be a trojan sending spam, or a wordpress/drupal/other install gone rogue.

Hopefully this will give you some place to start.

Edit: recommend you leave the paste up until your problem is solved. When I saw it, it had 2 hours left.


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