Removal procedure for failover, DRBD, heartbeat, pacemaker?

Hi all, a previous web developer at a company I'm working, who is no longer here, installed this on our main web server: … untu-10.04">

I've been tasked with removing this from our setup. I'd obviously like to do this with minimal downtime to our web server. Is there is an easy way to do this? I'm hope it's just a few commands and done.

Thanks so much!


2 Replies

It's not that easy. You can turn all of that stuff off, but you need to know what you're doing. For example, if you have Apache pointing to the files located on the DRBD device, they need to be moved off before getting rid of DRBD. If the previous developer went through all of that, there's probably a second web server that it's replicating to.

Yes, there is a second linode. We are going to bring that offline and remove. This is a tentative plan I have come up with:

Bring second linode (ha2) offline.

On main web server (ha1) issue commands:

/etc/init.d/apache2 stop

/etc/init.d/heartbeat stop

drbdadm down all

drbdadm apply-al all

rmmod drbd

apt-get remove drbd8-utils drbd8-module-uname -r

apt-get remove heartbeat pacemaker

I read somewhere I need to mount something after this? This is the step I'm not sure about…

Bring apache back up and all should be well, I hope?

Feedback and advice is appreciated! Thanks!


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