Keep my GoDaddy webmail but host on Linode

Hello, new to Linode here and my first post as well. I also wanted to say that I am very impressed with linode so far and its documentation.

I have a linode 512 running Ubuntu 12.10.

Now I know that I can change my nameservers on GoDaddy to point to my linode (which I have done) but of course this breaks my webmail.

Now GoDaddy says that the correct settings for my MX records are:



My question is: Is it sufficient for me to just add these two entries to my MX records, and also according to this post it seems that I would need trailing periods?

Any help would be appreciated as I am still somewhat clueless on this.

2 Replies

Yep just add those records in the Linode DNS manager and you'll be fine. No need for trailing periods, the manager adds those for you.


Yep just add those records in the Linode DNS manager and you'll be fine. No need for trailing periods, the manager adds those for you.

Cool, thanks for the quick reply. :)


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