Easy web based email client?

Hi. I would like to install a web based email client that can connect to any external POP3 or SMTP server.

The purpose of this would be so I can collect my gmail, and personal email from other accounts without having to log into google.

Can anyone recommend a good package, easily installed on an ubuntu system?

3 Replies

> The purpose of this would be so I can collect my gmail, and personal email from other accounts without having to log into google.

but you're going to be logging into google anyways via your web mail client…

Google has the option to collect mail from other accounts in its settings, so if that's your purpose gmail would be fine.

Squirrelmail is easy to setup, functional, but a little ugly.

Roundcubemail is full featured, pretty, but needs a SQL database.

Both work great on a Linode.


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