Monitor for specific text, rather than absence of

I already use Monit to monitor my linodes. I thought that rather than setting up lots of tests in the Manager, plus some way for things to be tested via tcp (I have a lot non-services being monitored, such as 'check this filesystem has space'), I could set up the Manager to connect to a Monit status page.

However the approach I was considering would require the Manager to check for the word 'timeout' on that page, and raise an alarm if that word was present. This doesn't seem possible at the moment.

Any chance of supporting this?



5 Replies

You can do body matches when monitoring services. You simply enter the text you want to find in the body in side of the 'Body Match' field.

I hope this helps!



You can do body matches when monitoring services. You simply enter the text you want to find in the body in side of the 'Body Match' field.

Sounds like I misunderstood how this works.

Just to confirm:

if I enter the word 'timeout' as the Body Match, then if that text is ABSENT from the page, there will NOT be an alarm raised. But if the word 'timeout' is PRESENT, then an alarm WILL be raised? I was thinking it currently worked the opposite way.



If the text in the body match field is not located on the returned page, a failure scenario will be indicated and the Managed team will be alerted.

Let us know if you have any further questions.


That is what I thought all along. Hence my original query as to whether the opposite might be supported sometime.

This is certainly something we'll consider adding at a future date. Thanks for letting us know about something you'd like to see. We can't always implement feature requests, but we do try to implement those most in demand.



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