How to access my linode via port 3131 for Cloud9
7 Replies
If you're using a firewall on your Linode you should open port 3131
You should also check that cloud9 is listening on all IPs you can do that using
sudo netstat -lpnt
and looking for the process listening on that port with the ip
Can you telnet to the port?
Thanks for your reply. The netsat command shows Cloud9 listening:
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 7381/node
There is not much documentation on firewall settings for my Linode, and I have no idea if I even have a firewall active.
Would it be the iptables that handles it?… if so, is the idea that all ports except 80 are blocked by default unless allowed using iptables?
Also, telnet did not connect to 3131.
Also, telnet did not connect to 3131.
It seems likely that your firewall is blocking port 3131. The following command will show your firewall configuration:
sudo iptables -nvL
Cloud9 works when I do this:
/etc/init.d/arno-iptables-firewall stop
Of course I wouldn't want to disable my firewall, however Cloud9 does not work using:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 3131 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3131 -j ACCEPT
What am I missing here?
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3131 -j ACCEPT
Yes indeed, it has proven to be the firewall.
Cloud9 works when I do this:
/etc/init.d/arno-iptables-firewall stop
If you're using Arno's, add the port to its list.
If you're using Debian with debconf-managed mode:
dpkg-reconfigure arno-iptables-firewall
Accept default (they default to current-setup) answers to questions until you'll get to "Open external TCP ports:" list
Add 3131 to the space-separated list (that probably already contains 22 and stuff).
Go through rest of the answers accepting default, say Yes to last question ("Restart firewall now?"),
If you're using non-managed mode or any other distro:
Edit /etc/arno-iptables-firewall/firewall.conf with your favourite text editor
Find line looking like
OPEN_TCP="space separated list here"
Add a space and 3131 to the end of the list, inside the quotes.
/etc/init.d/arno-iptables-firewall restart
If you're using Arno's, add the port to its list.
Edit /etc/arno-iptables-firewall/firewall.conf with your favourite text editor
Find line looking like
OPEN_TCP="space separated list here"
Add a space and 3131 to the end of the list, inside the quotes.
/etc/init.d/arno-iptables-firewall restart
Golden!!… Thank you.