Wordpress Security Functions for Multiple domains
I ran the script for domain1.com, then domain2.com, then domain3.com thinking it would add each domain to the function, but instead it replaces the previous with the last… can anyone tell me how I can get the function to operate multiple domains at the same time?
### Edit the 2 values first, then post the whole lot.
export DOMAIN="yourblog.com"
export USER="vpsUsername"
echo '
### WordPress 'chown' ###
## Allow WordPress Upgrades/Plugin Installs
alias wpupgrade="sudo find /home/USERNAME/public_html/DOMAIN/public/wp-admin -exec chown -R www-data:webmasters {} \; && sudo find /home/USERNAME/public_html/DOMAIN/public/wp-content -exec chown -R www-data:webmasters {} \;"
## Revert to Safe WordPress Ownership
alias wpsafe="sudo find /home/USERNAME/public_html/DOMAIN/public/wp-admin -exec chown -R USERNAME:webmasters {} \; && sudo find /home/USERNAME/public_html/DOMAIN/public/wp-content -exec chown -R USERNAME:webmasters {} \;"
' >> /home/$USER/.bashrc
sed -i "s/USERNAME/$USER/g" /home/$USER/.bashrc
sed -i "s/DOMAIN/$DOMAIN/g" /home/$USER/.bashrc
source /home/$USER/.bashrc
source /root/.bashrc