Possibility of SSD servers


I am just wondering if Linode might consider the possibility of introducing SSD servers? I'd be willing to pay a little extra.

6 Replies

I like your thinking, I'm all for optimising to reduce rtt and increase speed.

show me some stats that shows your application hosted on your linode is slow because of the hard disk.

then we can talk turkey.

I'm not suggesting it's slow, but it could be quicker and maybe a little more responsive again with an SSD for someone that doesn't mind paying extra.

yeah, well linode reads these forums (I'm not from linode) they don't always respond, but they always read.

In the meantime, there are a lot of things you can do to reduce delay and increase speed.

With a little cache (and disk cache/buffers count), and depending on your site, you can serve 99.9% of requests

from memory, so the disk system doesn't even matter.

Keep in mind that SSD is a buzzword atm, and there are a lot of factors involved in making a site fly.

There are other providers that have joined the SSD buzzwagon, and they are as slow as a wet week, meanwhile,

linode is quietly outperforming them, and has the best customer service in the industry (which they invented)

If you want to tune your site, post the details including the url, and people here will be able to help

(linode also have the best community in the industry)

It's a lot of fun to tune, even if it's tuning for the sake of tuning.

Yeah, I get all your points.. As for tuning, I have spent a couple of years tweaking here and there, I'm quite confident it's about as tuned as it is going to get, I use Nginx rather than apache, my php config is about as good as it's going to get, a number of people have looked and agreed..

So I would like to go back to the original point of my thread and stick to Linode introducing some servers even if only a trial based on SSD's as I am willing to pay a premium as I am sure some others would, but of course I get that only a minority would be willing to pay the extra, but I feel it would be large enough to warrant a few new servers on Linode's part.

Linode hasn't popped in readonly SSD flashcache yet?

PT Barnum would be proud.

Do you have any benchmark data at all to show that the common small VPS (i.e. 512M or 1024M) is I/O bound? More likely to show it's the NIC (which is throttled no less) is the bottleneck and not the hard drive.


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