Odd phpmyadmin timeout thing

I've got a strange problem on my Linode Ubuntu 12.04 install. I have a similar install on a non-Linode machine, so I can't figure out the problem.

Anyway I have PHPmyadmin installed and I'm trying to increase the timeout from 1440 seconds to something a little more reasonable for me.

apache2/php.ini: session.gc_maxlifetime = 86400

/etc/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php: $cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] = 86400;

This has always worked for me in the past and is working on my other Ubuntu 12.04 system. Anyone know of why it wouldn't work on my Linode?


Many Thanks!

8 Replies

Have you restarted apache? If that doesn't work try changing the session.save_path Ubuntu has a cron that cleans up the default session path it maybe deleting your sessions.

Oh yeah. I've been trying this for months, so lots of restarts in between attempts. I figure it must be something Linode is overwriting?

I even did a:

find /etc -type f -exec grep -l 1440 {} \;

to see where it could be… haven't found anything that I haven't changed.

Did you try changing the session save path?

Giving that a try now. Thanks. I also had session.gc_probability set to 1 and my other system is 0… so I'll try that.

Aw… sadly tweaking either things didn't work. Still timed out at 1440 seconds. Hmmm… so stumped.

It's a message from the FSM to abandon that gawd awful phpmyadmin (leaky, resource sucking, security sieve, meant for shared hosted training wheel systems) and either learn enough mysql to manage it via CLI or use a real MySQL management utility like HeidiSQL (free) or SQLyog (not free).

I didn't realize the FSM spoke through anyone but ceiling cat.


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