Is it possible to use too much CPU?
My VPS usage isn't CPU intensive, although I do occasionally use ffmpeg to convert some personal videos to .flv, etc - which may produce a long-ish CPU spike for large videos.
But, generally speaking, is it possible to use too much CPU on Linode from a AUP point of view? Or can we use the maximum of our fair share within each node? Is "nice" the way to go for CPU intensive things, or can we put the pedal to the metal?
UPDATE: I found this in the TOS under "Prohibited Usage":
> Misuse of System Resources: Intentional misuse of system resources, including but not limited to employing programs that consume excessive network capacity, CPU cycles, or disk IO.
Can someone define "excessive CPU cycles"?
8 Replies
I think your CPU spikes will be fine as long as you are doing something useful and aren't doing anything stupid to saturate the CPU all the time.
There are users who pretty much max out all their CPU cores 24/7, like zunzun.
My site's CPU usage is heavy, but not THAT heavy. Well, not usually that heavy, anyway.
Take a look for yourself:
James (my wife's Burmese nickname is zunzun)
(At the time of this post)
Server Load is hosted on Linode 1536 Xen 4-core virtual server.
Load < 4 means the server cores are running with a light load.
Load = 4 means the server cores each average 100% CPU with a single user.
Load > 4 means the server cores each average 100% CPU with multiple users.
Server load average for the past 1 minute: 4.39
Server load average for the past 5 minutes: 4.76
Server load average for the past 15 minutes: 5.28
So pretty much full out
But seriously, that's pretty normal at Linode, so I wouldn't worry.
EDIT: zunzun: Would not your application be well suited to horizontal scaling over multiple linodes? Or is it a cost issue?
Would not your application be well suited to horizontal scaling over multiple linodes? Or is it a cost issue?
This is literally a matter of life or death, because if I spend any more money on it my wife will kill me.