Asterix / FreePBX time skew
I really don't want to restart asterisk nightly just to keep the time in sync with my system.
Does anyone else who uses asterisk on linode have simular issues? If so did you ever find a fix?
1 Reply
Asterisk built by buildd @ palmer on a i686 running Linux on 2011-07-12 21:26:25 UTC
After ~2 weeks of uptime, I am dead nuts on UTC in /var/log/asterisk/full as well as my CDRs. It is possible that some bug has been introduced in newer Asterisk versions, but I would have no idea why it would keep its own time-of-day clock…
If you could, right when a call ends, do 'date', 'date -u', and 'ntpq -c rl' and 'ntpq -p' on that system, then paste that and the CDR entry for the call here? Curious as to what sort of state it is ending up in…