Test URL when setup through Virtualmin

I have installed Virtualmin on my ubuntu linode and it's all working well.

I would like to setup my sites before i move them over from an external vps on plesk.

I remember ages ago on cpanel it used to have a preview thing that was based around the user eg. http://123.456.7.8/~username which showed the website setup before you change the nameservers.

Any idea if there is any way to see vhosts without the domain?

1 Reply

Just realised i've answered my own question, just go to Virtualmin > Services > Preview Website

Then if you want to just use that URL from now on (changing the domain) go to Usermin > Usermin Configuration > Trusted Referrers and select No and check box (Allowing unknown referrers). Then you don't have to keep logging into virtualmin to preview a web.


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