MySQL Passwords randomly reset (second time in two months)

Hi there,

For the second time now, I've had to stop mysqld and run it with –skip-grant-tables to log into my mysql account and reset the root password and a user password I'm using for a WordPress installation (that should only have privileges to the database it's using). I use UPDATE mysql.user SET…. etc.

I'm concerned I'm hacked or something, but don't have much experience investigating security loopholes beyond following the Linode instructions diligently (including securing the installaiton) and making sure that MySQL users only have the privileges they need (and not using root for anything other than SSH access). I'm going to put the password portion of my wp-config.php in a folder outside the public directory and do an includes in that file instead, but my feeling is it has something to do with the server. My passwords aren't brainless, and I can fix this problem pretty easily.

But just wondering-- why does it happen?

Btw, the way I find out is I go to my website and I see "Error establishing database connection." Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!



1 Reply

Try to find out if the act of changing a mysql password is logged anywhere. Then you can see what else happened near that time, like an unexpected but successful SSH login or something. That's where I would start looking, anyway.



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