Migrate email from Google Apps to my own mail server

I've been using Google Apps for Business for a few months, but I got a new Linode running Ubuntu 12.10 and set up a fully functional mail server on it. Now I'd like to transfer all emails from my Google Apps accounts to my new mail server. Is this possible? How do I do this? I've tried Googling but have found nothing useful. Thanks in advance for your help.

4 Replies

I've heard good things about imapcopy, which is a IMAP backup/copy/migration tool. However, because it lacks SSL support, it may not work with Gmail.

For my purposes, I wrote a tool called imap2maildir, which is optimized for periodically backing up an IMAP mailbox to a local maildir folder. Assuming you're using maildir for your mailboxes (if you have folders 'cur' and 'new', and each message occupies one file, you do), this will probably do the trick.

imapcopy did the trick, thanks a lot!

Ah, was going to suggest fetchmail, but I see you already found a solution. Someone else coming across this thread may find it useful. :)

Exactly. I am sure there will be more people with this particular problem. What I like about imapcopy is that it can migrate email from ANY mail server to ANY other. Extremely nice tool.


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