Another boring in-praise-of-linode thread
Their fast support is an example others should follow in how to keep customers. Recently some fremont linodes have been experiencing brief network issues. As an engineer, I know how hard it is to nail problems that occur at random times and last only a minute or two. Their prompt response and somewhat informative replies kept me from losing my cool. Their courteous and patient replies are exactly what is needed.
The issue has now been resolved.
7 Replies
me: hello, there is heavy packet loss on the last hop to my linode, and i can't log onto my linode any more, even lish is down.
linode: mtr or gtfo
me: ok, here's an mtr
linode: i need it in both direction, log onto your linode and do an mtr from there
me: I can't log onto my linode, there's too much packet loss on the last hop
linode: use lish, see blah://lish.linode/lish.html
me: lish is down, too
linode: I can't see anything wrong.
me: yeah, it just seemed to fix itself in the 10 minutes I was talking to you.
linode: have a nice day.
me: what was wrong?
linode: if the problem reoccurs please don't hesitate to open a new support ticket.
This happened a few times to me when tokyo DC first opened up, and it got a little frustrating.
I believe it was a neighbour of mine getting packeted, (I found out from irc, not through a ticket)
and then one day they problems stopped, and never returned.
My only complaint with linode, though, is I wish they would open up more. I can't complain about a few
little network issues in years of service, and every time I reported the network problem it was fixed
before I could blink. but everything is so top secret and hush hush.
Me: Why are backups failing so much
Linode: We're working on the problem. Should be fixed in 3 days.
Me: OK…
4 days later
Me: Why are backups still failing so much?
Linode: We're working on the problem. Should be fixed in 3 days.
Me: Can you give me any more information?
Linode: We're working on the problem. Should be fixed in 3 days.
4 days later
Me: So. Backups still failing. Any chance of any information at all?
Linode: We're working on the problem. Should be fixed in 3 days.
Of course, they do appear fixed now. But it'd be nice not to be shut down "computer says 'no'" style.