How many ip addresses?

how many ip addresses can you give to one linode user? like max number would it be possible for me to get a whole class? please get back to me soon.

3 Replies


As far as I know as long an you pay you can have as many as you need.

But under the rules you may have to justify your need from them.


I believe Chris would be able to offer you a whole class, I spoke to him about that a while ago (obviously I'm not certain of this).

However, one thing I'm fairly sure of is that he has to pay through the teeth for IPs at The Planet (hosts 1-8 or 9), so I'm not sure how much it'd cost you to have a whole class assigned to your Linode.

As long as you can justify the IPs as per AIRN's rules, I could do an entire 255 netblock for you. You can PM me about special pricing for such a request.




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