What kind of remote control is offered?
4 Replies
there is no way I can get everything I need set up from only command line
And yet most people here manage EXACTLY that.
Perhaps an UNMANAGED VPS service is not what you're looking for if you need something more then the command line.
You can add whatever Control Panel you want to your VPS, but Control Panels all take up resources (so you need a bigger more expensive VPS) and some cost money.
The only real reason to have a control panel is if you're setting up a VPS to resell space, and the control panel allows YOUR clients to manage their bit of space on your VPS.
The Linode Libraries are Chock Full of tutorials on how to setup your VPS using nothing more then SSH.
You can use [StackscriptsTutorials
Also I'd suggest using sftp (ftp through SSH) over FTP, since FTP uses plain text for credentials.
Good luck.