syslogs shows weird spamd message

Hey all,

Any idea what this is all about:

(FYI: I have taken out my hostname and replaced my domain name with

Dec 19 19:16:02 spamd[8536]: spamd: connection from localhost.localdomain [] at port 42413

Dec 19 19:16:02 spamd[8536]: spamd: still running as root: user not specified with -u, not found, or set to root, falling back to nobody

Dec 19 19:16:02 spamd[8536]: spamd: checking message <> for (unknown):65534

Dec 19 19:16:02 spamd[8536]: spamd: clean message (0.2/5.0) for (unknown):65534 in 0.1 seconds, 765 bytes.

Dec 19 19:16:02 spamd[8536]: spamd: result: . 0 - FHFROMEMLNOTLD,MSGIDFROMMTAHEADER,UNPARSEABLERELAY scantime=0.1,size=765,user=(unknown),uid=65534,required_score=5.0,rhost=localhost.localdomain,raddr=,rport=4$

Dec 19 19:16:02 citadel: 1 unique messages to be merged

Dec 19 19:16:02 spamd[2312]: prefork: child states: II

Dec 19 19:16:03 spamd[8536]: spamd: connection from localhost.localdomain [] at port 56194

Dec 19 19:16:03 spamd[8536]: spamd: still running as root: user not specified with -u, not found, or set to root, falling back to nobody

Dec 19 19:16:03 spamd[8536]: spamd: checking message <> for (unknown):65534

Dec 19 19:16:13 spamd[8536]: spamd: clean message (0.2/5.0) for (unknown):65534 in 10.3 seconds, 150562 bytes.

Dec 19 19:16:13 spamd[8536]: spamd: result: . 0 - FHFROMEMLNOTLD,MSGIDFROMMTAHEADER,UNPARSEABLERELAY scantime=10.3,size=150562,user=(unknown),uid=65534,required_score=5.0,rhost=localhost.localdomain,raddr=,rpo$

Dec 19 19:16:13 citadel: 1 unique messages to be merged

Dec 19 19:16:13 spamd[2312]: prefork: child states: II

Dec 19 19:17:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: connection from localhost.localdomain [] at port 56613

Dec 19 19:17:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: still running as root: user not specified with -u, not found, or set to root, falling back to nobody

Dec 19 19:17:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: checking message <> for (unknown):65534

Dec 19 19:17:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: clean message (0.2/5.0) for (unknown):65534 in 0.1 seconds, 765 bytes.

Dec 19 19:17:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: result: . 0 - FHFROMEMLNOTLD,MSGIDFROMMTAHEADER,UNPARSEABLERELAY scantime=0.1,size=765,user=(unknown),uid=65534,required_score=5.0,rhost=localhost.localdomain,raddr=,rport=5$

Dec 19 19:17:01 citadel: 1 unique messages to be merged

Dec 19 19:17:01 spamd[2312]: prefork: child states: II

Dec 19 19:18:00 kernel: iptables denied: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:01:00:25:90:7f:0b:1a:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0xC0 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2

Dec 19 19:18:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: connection from localhost.localdomain [] at port 53795

Dec 19 19:18:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: still running as root: user not specified with -u, not found, or set to root, falling back to nobody

Dec 19 19:18:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: checking message <> for (unknown):65534

Dec 19 19:18:02 spamd[8536]: spamd: clean message (0.2/5.0) for (unknown):65534 in 0.1 seconds, 753 bytes.

Dec 19 19:18:02 spamd[8536]: spamd: result: . 0 - FHFROMEMLNOTLD,MSGIDFROMMTAHEADER,UNPARSEABLERELAY scantime=0.1,size=753,user=(unknown),uid=65534,required_score=5.0,rhost=localhost.localdomain,raddr=,rport=5$

Dec 19 19:18:02 citadel: 1 unique messages to be merged

Dec 19 19:18:02 spamd[2312]: prefork: child states: II

Dec 19 19:19:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: connection from localhost.localdomain [] at port 54126

Dec 19 19:19:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: still running as root: user not specified with -u, not found, or set to root, falling back to nobody

Dec 19 19:19:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: checking message <> for (unknown):65534

Dec 19 19:19:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: clean message (0.2/5.0) for (unknown):65534 in 0.1 seconds, 765 bytes.

Dec 19 19:19:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: result: . 0 - FHFROMEMLNOTLD,MSGIDFROMMTAHEADER,UNPARSEABLERELAY scantime=0.1,size=765,user=(unknown),uid=65534,required_score=5.0,rhost=localhost.localdomain,raddr=,rport=5$

Dec 19 19:19:01 citadel: 1 unique messages to be merged

Dec 19 19:19:01 spamd[2312]: prefork: child states: II

Dec 19 19:20:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: connection from localhost.localdomain [] at port 37315

Dec 19 19:20:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: still running as root: user not specified with -u, not found, or set to root, falling back to nobody

Dec 19 19:20:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: checking message <> for (unknown):65534

Dec 19 19:20:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: clean message (0.2/5.0) for (unknown):65534 in 0.1 seconds, 765 bytes.

Dec 19 19:20:01 spamd[8536]: spamd: result: . 0 - FHFROMEMLNOTLD,MSGIDFROMMTAHEADER,UNPARSEABLERELAY scantime=0.1,size=765,user=(unknown),uid=65534,required_score=5.0,rhost=localhost.localdomain,raddr=,rport=3$

Dec 19 19:20:01 citadel: 1 unique messages to be merged

Dec 19 19:20:01 spamd[2312]: prefork: child states: II

Dec 19 19:20:02 spamd[8536]: spamd: connection from localhost.localdomain [] at port 51920

Dec 19 19:20:02 spamd[8536]: spamd: still running as root: user not specified with -u, not found, or set to root, falling back to nobody

There are a few in my syslog ever second…

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