Server domain redirection


I need to know if it is possible to redirect the domain from the original server to another server and keep the original URL in browser, so the client can see the original url in browser url.

Case scenario: domain is poiting to a windows server machine.

the new site is in a linode vps.

I need the windows server to redirect the requests of to the linode server keeping the original URL (

I googled a bit about this and found two possible solutions:

1- Using a frameset in the new server: this seems the easiest solution but i dont like because the url becomes static.. i need the subdomain path to be displayed in the browser url

2- Reverse proxy: it seems possible to do what i want ( (windows server) redirect to (linode server) but i didn't found if it is possible to keep the subdomains working. For example: a request made in original server to should be redirected to the new server and be dipslayed in browser url as

I hope i made my self clear!

Someone can give me some advice? I'm not a sysadmin..

Thank you!

5 Replies

Is there any real point in this? If you're dealing with a load balancer, just use different subdomains; redirects to,, etc.

yes this is a real scenario, the server where the domain is pointing is windows with exchange server and the company doens't want to move the mail server. We want the website to be redirected to a linode server but to keep the url… is it possible or i'll have to host the site in the windows server? I would like to avoid that..


The email server has the same URL as the web server?

Maybe if you actually provided the details, people could do more then make a half ass'd guess at a solution.

Hi, thank you for your reply.

I wanted to spare useless details the problem is as i told.

I'll try to give a better explanation:

yes they have the same url, example: -

The current status is my company has a domain pointing to a server (windows) hosting email with exchange. What i was told is they simple can't point the domain to linode because of the email server they would have to migrate it too..

I'm not a sysadmin i don't know if it has to be this way or there's a better solution without redirects.

I just developed a new site for them and because it's php/mysql based i thought it was better to host the site in linode(ubuntu)..

Maybe, for this situation, it's easier to host the site in windows server where the email server is.. i never did it but i know it's possible.

I just wanted to know all possibilities before taking a decision.

The current website that i'm replacing is in another server and the solution was to create a page with a frameset in the original server and point the frameset to the other server keeping this way the url..

I'm sorry i know it's a little bit messy..

See, this is why you need to give enough information from the start. This is the whole point of MX records…

1) Point and to your linode's IP

2) Create a subdomain that points to your exchange server's IP

3) Create MX records on that point to

Result: A web browser to goes to your linode, mail sent to goes to your exchange server.

Your situation isn't unique, in fact, it's the normal way things are set up (with different web and mail servers), so the DNS system has had a solution to the problem for decades.


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