Advice for backup strategy

I have a 1024 VPS for hosting several websites and I'm trying to come up with a good backup strategy. I don't want to use the linode backup service as it doesn't let you restore single files. I've only small requirements - 1 server running Ubuntu 12.04, about 30GB storage including mysql dbs.

I'm considering using Google Cloud Storage (over Amazon S3 just because it looks like it will work out cheaper). Using S3QL to mount it as a filesystem and for snapshotting and finally Hot Copy to do a daily or twice daily backup to S3QL's mount.

I want to be able to do a full disk restore in the case of total loss of data and keep more than just the latest version in case of infection/corruption.

Can you see any pitfalls with this? Is there a simpler way to get similar functionality?

9 Replies

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I use both Linode's backup service (for full restores) and Duplicity with S3 (for partial restores, and to have an off-site backup).


I use rsync.

That would be a tactic. They specifically asked for a atrategy.




I use rsync.

That would be a tactic. They specifically asked for a atrategy.


It's a strategy.


It's a strategy.

Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of backup strategies.


I upload in your general direction!



It's a strategy.

Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of backup strategies.




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