SEO from a server perspective?

Hey everyone. I have a website that for years ranked #1 on google for some pretty huge terms. The website was on a physical server with Hostgator this entire time, until I moved everything over to Linode. On the day of the move, the only thing I did was change the A record for the domain to the new Linode IP address to point to the new server.

On that same day, our organic traffic dropped to about 20% of what is was, and our rankings fell far off the map. There were no content or code changes that day, and the server location with Linode that I picked was even in the same state as the previous physical server.

My research has said this shouldn't (hah) happen with a move unless the server is moved to another country, but it has been almost exactly 3 months now and there has been very little improvement. Its absolutely killing us. Old server was an older centos version with cpannel, new one is ubuntu 12.04 without a control pannel. Nothing big at all changed with the environemnt that google should care about.

Does anyone have any experience with problems like this?

5 Replies

Did you choose a Linode in the same country? People some environmental change is responsible. There are some pretty big sites hosted at Linode. The Onion, for example, Alexa rank of 699 in the US.

EDIT: Did your RDNS change?


Did you choose a Linode in the same country? People some environmental change is responsible. There are some pretty big sites hosted at Linode. The Onion, for example, Alexa rank of 699 in the US.

EDIT: Did your RDNS change?

Yes, I even picked Dallas, TX Linode, and the old server was in Austin TX I believe.

DNS Kinda changed. Originally the name servers were being run by cpannel on the old server. The day of the switch, on the old server I went in and put in the new IP address for the A record, name servers and such did not change. About a week later (after the drop) I changed the name servers to GoDaddy so I could cancel the old hardware.

But what about your reverse DNS entry? That's something you set on the server provider side of things, not the DNS provider.

That's interesting.. I did not set it up.. when I look it up it points to my account and says:

Top Level Domain: ""

Country IP Address: UNITED STATES

edit: I just set it up in the control pannel. I looked up how it used to be on the old IP and I THINK it was also generic like that one, but hard to tell 3mo later. Hopefully this helps though.

Choosing your web host is one of the most important decisions you need to take on your digital marketing journey. Cutting corners to save a few dollars when building or launching your website is not something you should do with hosting.

You want to set a strong foundation that will not only support your future grow and minimize the risk of experiencing problems such as slowness or downtime.

The good news is that due to a lot of competition in this space, you’re pretty much sure to find a reasonable price for a good reputable company.

There is three main categories/type of hosting. We’ll go over each one of them from the less performant to the most performant.

Shared hosting:

Shared hosting is the most popular type of hosting you will find across all companies. It is also the type of hosting where you will get the less performant servers.

Shared hosting is a good alternative for you if you’re not getting a lot of traffic and if you’re not really concerned about speed.

The big inconvenient with shared hosting is that you will typically be put on the same server as thousands of other website and their actions can potentially negatively affect your website.

Managed hosting

Managed hosting is a significant upgrade from shared hosting. While they come at a higher price point, you can count on higher speed, scalability, and a better customer experience as well as better customer service. You are often offered the choice of choosing your server location as well as a content delivery network.

You will not share your server with as many other websites which will result and fewer resources being used.

Managed hosting comes with better resources such as SSDs, more ram, and faster processors.

Last but not least, your website will be more secure than with shared hosting. Managed hosting providers increase security protocol, daily malware scans, and protect you against all kinds of cyber threats such as DDoS attacks.

VPS & dedicated servers

VPS and dedicated servers are not necessarily faster than managed hosting solutions. However, in the case of dedicated hosting, you don’t have to worry about other websites potentially affecting you negatively as the whole server and its resources are yours to use and will be dedicated to you.

The difference with VPS (Virtual Private Servers) however is that you are put on the same server as other websites, but you have your own resources that you can use.


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