Linode Kernel vs CentOS Kernel in PV-GRUB mode

As title.

I need to choose if use the 3.6.5 kernel from Linode or use the builtin kernel from CentOS.

What do you suggest and why?

I would like to use the latest from linode but how can a 3.6.5 kernel work on a distro that is far behind this kernel?

Any suggestions will be appreciated, obviously please explain the reason of the suggestions.


6 Replies

Stick with the Linode-provided kernel unless you have a specific reason or need to use a custom kernel from your distro. Linode keeps the kernel up to date with what they know works with their platform, so unless you have something that doesn't work because of the kernel version, or some kernel feature you're missing, it's best to stick with what they provide.

thanks for sharing your opinion.

in any case I just want to give a try…

is there someone running CentOS 6.3 who tried the script from this page? … h_centos-5">

Ok I have booted the CentOS kernel, cool it works well…

One things…

how can I set my boot to show services that is starting.

Do you know the dear old boot screen that show,

iptables: Applying firewall rules: [ OK ]

Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ]

Bringing up interface eth0:

Determining IP information for eth0… done.

[ OK ]

Starting system logger: [ OK ]

Starting system message bus: [ OK ]

Retrigger failed udev events[ OK ]

Starting snmpd: netlink: 12 bytes leftover after parsing attributes.

[ OK ]

Starting snmptrapd: [ OK ]

Starting sshd: [ OK ]

Starting mysqld: [ OK ]

Starting Dovecot Imap: [ OK ]

Starting postfix: [ OK ]

Starting mailgraph: [ OK ]

Starting httpd: [ OK ]

Starting crond: [ OK ]

Starting squid: .[ OK ]

Starting fail2ban: [ OK ]

Starting atd: [ OK ]


When my centos boot I can't see any information on the services that is starting.

this is my grub.conf

cat /boot/grub/grub.conf

grub.conf generated by anaconda


Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file

NOTICE: You have a /boot partition. This means that

all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /boot/, eg.

root (hd0)

kernel /boot/vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/xvda

initrd /boot/initrd-version.img




title CentOS (2.6.21-279.14.1.el6)

root (hd0)

kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-279.14.1.el6.x86_64 root=/dev/xvda

initrd /boot/initramfs-2.6.32-279.14.1.el6.x86_64.img

Any idea?


You may need to add something like

xencons=tty console=tty1 console=hvc0

to the "kernel" line

For reference, the linode provided kernel boots with these options:

root=/dev/xvda xencons=tty console=tty1 console=hvc0 nosep nodevfs ramdisksize=32768 ipconntrack.hashsize=8192 nf_conntrack.hashsize=8192 ro

("cat /proc/cmdline")


You may need to add something like

xencons=tty console=tty1 console=hvc0

to the "kernel" line

For reference, the linode provided kernel boots with these options:

root=/dev/xvda xencons=tty console=tty1 console=hvc0 nosep nodevfs ramdisksize=32768 ipconntrack.hashsize=8192 nf_conntrack.hashsize=8192 ro

("cat /proc/cmdline")

you catched it!!! great.

what this "nosep nodevfs ramdisk_size=32768" stand for?

shoudl I add this parameter too?

You shouldn't need those; standard "real" Centos installs don't need them and you'll be running the real Centos kernel. You only need the console stuff 'cos you're not using a real video display.


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