Server-status 403 error
Tried this
all of this and in the end the location server-status is in /etc/apache2/mods-available/status.conf on my debian, but I tried with allow localhost, allow, with allow and all the iterrations give me the same result, Forbidden!
I tried it from my browser and from ssh root access with lynx and nothing. Where could the problem be?
Please help, as I spent hours on this and something is missing or blocking this, don't know how to determin what it is?
7 Replies
Alias /server-status /dev/null
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from all
Without alias it doesn't work, without allow all, also not working, tried with ip/localhost/127. Something is wrong here, either tutorials are incomplete in explanation all over the web or linode tutorials are bad, as my server is set by reading them and now something is not write with this. Hope some expert could clerify what is what here, my apache doesn't recognize itself?!
I would suggest trying Allow from 127 ::1 your.ip.v4.addr your:ip:v6::addr. Don't use host names unless you have to, as Apache performs forward and reverse DNS queries
127 - While most local networking uses, technically any address in the subnet could be used.
::1 - If you're using IPv6, this is the address used for local networking.
your.ip.v4.addr - The application trying to access Apache may be doing so using the public IP address, in which case the source will be the same IP address, not
your:ip:v6::addr - Same as above, for IPv6.
but also have many of them in var/log I think i got it and will search them. thanx