using VDI

I have a development server set up in virtual box,I've finally got it to the stage where i want to role the app out onto my linode for testing purposes only,rather than going through setting up the node from scratch then using a deployment tool to update the application to my linode,I'm just wondering is it poossible to just take the VDI and apply it to my linode somehow?

5 Replies

Ok I asked for that,any hints or suggestions on how to do so? Or if it is already covered somewhere point me in the right direction.

Click on the word "Yup" and it'll take you to step-by-step instructions on how to do it. Or, go to and search for 'custom distribution'.

Thank you very much, I completely missed that was a link.

Yeah, I didn't exactly make it obvious. My verbosity is proportional to how much coffee I've had. :-)

(And those that frequent these august fora and/or the September IRC channels can leverage that fact to estimate how much coffee I drink on an average day.)


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