Traffic between Linodes


I'm planning to order two linodes, one to host a database server and a secondary DNS system, and other one to host apache and some minor services.

I'll host some web pages which use MySQL as backend. My question is: Will be traffic between Linodes (MySQL traffic, for example) included in consumed traffic?

3 Replies

I'm fairly confident that it does not count toward your bandwidth limit :)

Might want to wait on confirmation of that though.

As long as they are in the same datacenter you will not be charged

Host 1-8 are at The Planet

Host 9-14 are at HE


I am not sure if this is right. I put in a ticket to ask caker this because I was pondering providing a gentoo rsync server for theplanet users. I believe he said that while he plans to only charge for traffic that leaves the datacenter, currently that is not the case. You might want to double check with caker.


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