Postfix emails are not reaching GMail

Hi all,

I would like some help to know why the emails sent by my VPS are not reaching GMail, even when the log looks ok to me:

It worked before, sending a test email from my GMail account to an alias in my server, and now it doesn't reach my inbox even with the status=sent Ok in the log.

Any idea what I'm missing?


3 Replies

You sure it's not winding up in your spam folder? Do you have proper SPF records set? Do you have DKIM configured?

Not in Spam.

I followed the guide to install Postfix Gateway on Debian 6 some months ago, and it worked normally until few days ago.

I guess I haven't setup any SPF record nor DKIM, but I think that if Google can't verify the email it would be on the Spam and not just disappeared, so it should be another issue.

I just tried the mail forwarding from a Hotmail account and it reached the GMail inbox without problems. I think that Gmail discards repeated emails or something like that, and now I cannot send a test email from the same account that will receive it.

I will check what happens with the incoming emails. Thanks

Yes, if you send a message from Gmail that gets forwarded back, it won't show up in your Gmail inbox. Here is one prior post describing this behavior; if you search the forum you may find more discussion about it.

My recollection is that the solution is to use a different webmail provider for testing, or two separate Gmail accounts.


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