What powers http://library.linode.com/ ?

What powers http://library.linode.com/ ? (Linode personnel restricted from divulging this, apparently)

It's sweet. Guessing it's more than just a "wiki," more content-management/database behind a wiki-like presentation ( "wiki" thoughts come from: '=source' references like: http://library.linode.com/networking/op … mat=source">http://library.linode.com/networking/openvpn/ubuntu-10.04-lucid?format=source ).

Reason for asking: interested to use it for my teams/organizations/projects…

1 Reply


Complexity: about a weekend to knock up.

Article source looks awfully alike reStructuredText.

Probable language of implementation: Python.

For generic purposes, probably worse than your off the shelf wiki, like moinmoin.


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